Helmets, buckets, pots, everything is used to make music and to have fun. Meanwhile there is juggling, comedy and a contagious energy between the two CRASSH characters.
Artistic Genre: Circus arts
Artistic fields: Music and Juggling
Classificação etária: M/6
Touring in Artemrede's Territories:
ALCANENA Jardim das Lagoas | 21 de maio de 2021, sexta-feira, às 19:00
ALCOBAÇA Cine-Teatro de Alcobaça João de D’Oliva Monteiro | 7 de maio de 2021, sexta-feira, às 19:00
POMBAL Teatro-Cine de Pombal | 24 de abril de 2021, sábado, às 11:30
SESIMBRA Cineteatro Municipal João Mota | 23 de maio de 2021, domingo, às 16:00
TOMAR Mouchão | 8 de maio de 2021, sábado, às 15:00
+ Info: Audience capacity will be defined according to DGS guidelines to date.
A programming chosen by the Visionary from Alcanena, Alcobaça, Pombal, Sesimbra and Tomar. The session at the Cineteatro Municipal João Mota is within the scope of the Be SpectACTive project!
Performers David Calhau e David Valente Sound Gonçalo Garcia Production David Calhau
Imagem © Miguel Oliveira