Meio No Meio is our project selected in the framework of PARTIS from Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Designed for a three year period (2019 - 2021), the project has coreographer Victor Hugo Pontes as artistic director and the partnership of Nome Próprio, RUMO-Cooperativa Social (social assessment), CIES-IUL | Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (impact report) and 4 municipalities within Artemrede network: Almada, Barreiro, Moita and Lisboa.
Meio No Meio gathers young adults ages between 16 and 25 and adults over 45, from 4 specific territories: 2º Torrão da Trafaria (Almada), Barreiro Antigo, Vale da Amoreira (Moita) and Marvila (Lisboa).
In 2019 and 2020, participants enrol in several training and research sessions in 5 different artistic areas (drama, cinema, visual arts, rap/hip-hop and dance), guided by artists themselves from those territories and by the artistic director.
These artists-trainers are Catarina Pé-Curto (visual arts, Almada), Carina Silva (drama, Barreiro), Mário Ventura (cinema, Moita), Nuno Varela ( Rap/Hip-Hop, Lisboa) and Victor Hugo Pontes himself (dance - discipline that makes the project come together).
In 2021, Vale da Amoreira Center for Artistic Experimentation (Moita) will host the creative residency for the show Meio No Meio, that represents the end of a 3 year project. The show will then be presented in the 4 municipalities, and is also co-produced by São Luiz Teatro Municipal, in Lisboa.
All the training and creation process is to be documented and will result in a full feature documentary, to be premiered in 2021.
Meio no Meio is Artemredes' second project in the framework of the PARTIS initiative. The first one, ODISSEIA, was based in 6 municipalities and resulted in a show (E Agora Nós!, by Rui Catalão), (Histórias em Viagem, from Radar 360º) and a film-concert (Curtas-Migratórias, by António-Pedro/Caótica).