From north to south, from Minho to Algarve, our traditions call for us. We will discover our land, the mother nest of so many lives. From place to place, this is a family trip adventure to discover the sounds, shapes, colors and Portuguese traditions. Come with us and help build a nest of memories and make some friends... In Portuguese!
Artist: EmbalArte
Artistic Genre: Dance and Theatre
Target audiences: Every age
Touring in Artemrede's Territories:
SESIMBRA Cineteatro Municipal João Mota | 17 de outubro de 2021, sábado, às 16:00
+ Info: Audience capacity will be defined according to DGS guidelines to date.
Uma escolha de programação dos grupos de Visionários de Sesimbra.
Creation and performance Ângela Ribeiro, Susana Rosendo Creation support Carla Albuquerque Production support Companhia de Dança de Almada Music Cantar Mais / APEM Set and props CDA e EmbalArte Tailor Ateliê Dulce Correia Lighting Technician Cláudia Rodrigues Image Joana Cavadas Video capture and montage Marta Tavares Executive production EmbalArte
Apoios Câmara Municipal de Almada, Companhia de Dança de Almada, Cantar Mais, Teatro-Estúdio António Assunção
Informações e bilheteira
Em atualização.
Imagens © Luís Aniceto / Vítor Cid