

Three stories about life in the community and its insertion in the environment that surrounds it.


This show presents three short stories from the book Contos Negros para os Filhos dos Brancos, by Blaise Cendrars, “O Pássaro da Cascata”, “Porque é que Ninguém Leva o Caimão para o pôr na Água” and “O Vento”.

In the first tale, the Child deals with the notion of loss when he finally gains something, it is taken away from him by various elements of Nature. Then, a Hunter realizes how valuable goodness is, and the importance of preserving trust in the other. In the last story, the different features, qualities and secrets of the wind are revealed. In Às Crianças, words and body expression dialogue in the voices and bodies of a dancer and an actress, stimulating children's creativity and thinking by enabling them to have a rich imaginary of images and sensations through the bamboo landscape.

Artist: Teatro ABC.PI

Artistic Genre: Theatrev + Workshop

Classificação etária: M/3

Dramatic Expression Workshop or Movement Workshop: 1 hour | Maximum of 12 participants | For children

Touring in Artemrede's Territories:

LISBOA Biblioteca de Marvila | To be schedule

+ Info: Audience capacity will be defined according to DGS guidelines to date.

Text Blaise Cendrars Artistic direction and Staging Laurinda Chiungue Artistic direction and Staging Assistant Cíntia Guimarães Cast Adriana Melo e Magnum Soares Dramaturgical adaptation Lavínia Moreira Scenography Concept and Scenic Objects Laurinda Chiungue e Salomé Vaz Scenography and Scenic Objects Salomé Vaz Scenic Objects Delphim Miranda Lighting Consulting ARTICA CC Lighting design Daniel Verdades Lighting technician Sabrina Santos Production Lucila Clemente

Oficina de expressão dramática - Orientação Adriana Melo
Oficina de movimentos - Orientação Magnum Soares




English (UK)